Tino. A garden blackbird

Original Title:

Tino. A merle au gardin










ISBN: 978-2-35558-221-9

120 pages

24 x 32 - 33€

tino. a garden blackbirdtino. a garden blackbirdtino. a garden blackbird

A blackbird lives in my garden, or maybe it’s the other way round! Far from describing an anonymous bird, the author invites us into Tino’s life. Unique and moving.


In his previous book Travelling in my garden published in 2021, Nicolas Jolivot wrote: «Now I’m sure of it, Tino is talking to me. I hardly dare tell this story. People are going to think that the garden makes me quietly blissful».

Three years later, this is the story he tells us, the story of his year-long connection with a blackbird that recognises him.

It’s an unexpected, contemplative, surprising and moving journey that teaches us a thousand things about blackbirds… and even more about Tino! The remarkable specificity of this book lies in the exceptional and, to date, largely unprecedented experience, not of the ornithological observation of a specimen in its environment, but of the attentive daily contact with an individual in its existence.


Publication: September 2024

Spanish rights under negotiation 


NICOLAS JOLIVOT (author & illustrator), visual artist and travel writer, began his career drawing the winds during a walking tour of France the year he graduated from the Arts Déco in Paris. Since then, he has travelled extensively around the world. The books he draws from his travel diaries are regularly awarded (Pépite du documentaire SLPJ for Le Monde for Chine. Scènes de la vie quotidienne, HongFei 2014 (p. 55); Grand prix du carnet de voyage de la fondation Michelin 2018 for Japon, à pied sous les volcans (p.54), HongFei 2018). In 2021, his remarkable Voyages dans mon jardin (p. 14) was published, and won several awards in its turn.

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