Me, the life and the Gilbert

Original Title:

Moi, la vie et les Gilbert


Le Grand Jardin








ISBN: 979-10-96688-30-2

32 pages

24 x 32 - 15,50€

GILBERTSuper GilbertSuper Gilbert

A sparkling book full of gaiety that shows how, thanks to a wacky word, one can name, highlight and enjoy the beautiful things in life while putting the less beautiful at a distance. Simple and powerful.

In life, there is what is Gilbert, and the rest. The school teacher, her name is Gilbert; the uncle who is a clown, he too is called Gilbert. What is certain is that those who are grumpy are not called Gilbert. The beautiful car that just drove by? For sure, it’s a Gilbert! And this great menu at the restaurant, a real Gilbert menu! Through the cheerful, dynamic and colorful boards, this young boy offers us a new look: the playful classification of life’s pleasures and worries. Beyond the inventory, this book offers us a new and simple way to look at the world, to be amazed again, to reappropriate the beauty and the joy in connection with the other readers.


Publication – Spring 2021

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