Night Train

Original Title:

Train de nuit


L’Étagère du bas








ISBN: 978-2-490253-72-2

32 pages

21,5 x 25,5 - 15€

Night TrainNight TrainNight Train

The train speeds through the night, Zélie is wide awake. To counter boredom, she looks around and listens to the rhythmic sound of the wheels on the tracks. Suddenly, a distant melody urges her to get up and leads her to the dining car… What incredible sight will the child discover?


Key words: train, night, animals, music, dream


Strong points:

-The train is a theme that never cease to nourish the imagination of children and, coupled with that of the night, they become the ideal ingredients for a tasty and magical story !

-Karine Guiton’s writing is fine, melodious and with a lot of details of her text, in order to immerse the reader as close as possible to the incredible experience lived by Zélie, the heroine of the story.

-Watercolor and Indian ink illustratrions full of softness by Clémence Monnet who works with shadows and lights to perfection: an essential aspect for this album which takes place in the middle of the night.


Publication: January 2024

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